Friday, شباط 21, 2025

اشترك معنا للاطلاع والحصول على أحدث المقالات والأعداد

Friday, شباط 21, 2025

اشترك معنا للاطلاع والحصول على أحدث المقالات والأعداد

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Constants and variables

The constants, in the life of a human community, are linked to the essence of their existence, not only in their own dimensions, but also in their open horizons over the past, present and future of human beings. And also, in the principles which their historic memories acquire throughout the ages, as well as origins that have been fought for against tyrannies for the sake of strengthening their roots, and against all turbulent crises and tribulations and the challenges that came from everywhere to steal their most precious possessions of dignity, freedom and fraternity of life.

As for the variables, they are linked to the immediate circumstances, the succession of events, the contrasting aspects of crisis, and to the conflicts of interest. In any case, the approaches that could be taken under the pressure of certain circumstances, shall not touch the constants, during evolving times, while the principles associated with the community formation and their record of honor should be as solid as the mountain’s rocks.

Bringing urgent attention to this vital issue is a necessity, and an obligatory duty for anyone who cares about the supreme interests of our people and their presence, and especially in their homeland; such that their health as an entity is also the health of what constitutes their homeland. This is considered a fundamental rule that no one should ignore.

Everyone is aware of the critical situations that our country and even neighboring countries are going through in the midst of an internationally instable world. And in every case, emotion should be restrained in every crisis and instead the logic of wisdom and self-restrain and deliberation should be practiced. It is everyone’s responsibility to take ultimate care to rise above conflicts and sacrifice for the benefit of the community and its virtue and dignity, and also for the rest of the fellow citizens of the country as a whole.

The history of our gracious monotheistic faith is well-known to be one full of honor, merit and harmony, especially in critical times which occurred frequently over a thousand years of their existence, and which was maintained with dignity and wisdom and fulfillment. By doing that, the land was preserved, not through sectarianism, but through the spirit of participation in terms of space and humane embracement which kept the emirate as solid as a nucleus upon which the Lebanese unified establishment was built. In spite of the contrasts of the same authoritarian influence in the local environment that has both influenced to separate and to unite, the sense of unity of destiny has remained in the conscience and thoughts in the general sense.

Our Boys and Girls today, in their homelands and overseas need to be inspired by the historical sense of excellence that their ancestors have lived on, including leaders, princes, elders, and the general public with courageous, ethical and honorable personalities to be grateful for, whose actions have conserved their people, their country and their nation as history proves without anyone’s recognition.

Everyone must realize that problems could only be solved by impartiality, sincerity and through searching for traces of light in the midst of darkness. And the proper way to mitigate adversities and to tackle such challenges and to come up with appropriate solutions would be through moderate speech, for there’s nothing that matches good and respectful words as keys to solve complex contrasts.

Survival, stability, and prosperity are the noble values ​​of our gracious faith, individually or community wide, through adopting a polite culture which avoids absurdities and wrong approaches to our ethnical heritage, and through education for which origins must be firmly rooted in the irreplaceable family blend, instead of otherwise intellectual distraction and spiritual impurity. These responsibilities fall upon every individual, every family, every forum, every party active in social affairs and in the public sector (holy verse: and do well, for I know what you are doing).

My message to the members of our gracious faith (sons of Maaroof) will always remain a message for enforcing their pride and denouncing anything that tries to undermine their dignity, and I can only remind you of the ancient wisdom that our noble leaders have maintained throughout our history, which has been great caution against division of opinion and disunity of the community, but also striving for harmony and cooperative efforts to achieve public virtue, in both our mountain and country alike.

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